Q Petroleum Inc

I’ve had a strange fascination with an old petroleum products company along Riverside Avenue in Newark. Over the years, whenever I’m in the area, I make it a point to swing by and see what’s happening with the place. Once, I got curious enough to explore it more thoroughly. I was shocked by what I found—piles of paperwork scattered across the floor of an upstairs room. There were old timecards, business letters, and accounting sheets, all left behind in heaps of yellowing paper. Given the state of decay, I was honestly surprised the building hadn’t gone up in flames by then. In a smaller office, I found something else—Dexsil Clor-N-Oil-50 PCB testing kits, just lying on the ground. These kits, used to test transformer oils for PCBs, still go for about $123 on the market. Finding them just tossed aside felt strange, almost careless. On a later visit, after a particularly harsh winter, I noticed water pooling in the basement. A burst pipe, most likely. I had no intention of venturing dow...