2023 Year in Review

Reflecting on 2023, it's been a rollercoaster of a year for me, both professionally and in my urban exploration pursuits. The year began with a significant career shift – leaving a job I thought would be a long-term stay for a new opportunity. The old job had its perks: yearly pay hikes, a 30-year pension plan, and a family-like team. The new job promised similar benefits but with a shorter pension period and a seemingly welcoming atmosphere that, unfortunately, hasn't felt right for me. I've been grappling with this sense of not fitting in, a dilemma made all the more challenging by the current tough job market. On a different note, my urban exploration adventures across the New England corridor have been a highlight of my year. I've pushed my boundaries, venturing further northeast of New York City, driven by an increasing stamina for long drives. This newfound exploration range has been a silver lining, enabling me to document more sites than ever before, despite the...