Former Bronx Gulf Center to Become MTA Electric Bus Depot

I remember it was rather cold this day and nearly lost my fingers flying the drone around the complex. Entering the complex was rather easy since the drive-in gate was unlocked and unsecured. From the first look of it, the site was definitely an illegal dumping ground. The still-standing batting range with its intact green netting and overgrown golf hill facades stuffed with weeds. The place definitely had a family atmosphere minus the mini rainforest. The golf tee pavilion was a site to behold standing in the grass looking dead center to the structure. Beneath my feet, I could make out various colorful branded golf balls all over the ground. I eventually took a couple golf balls home as souvenirs knowing full well that next time I won't be as lucky to enter the property again. A former golf driving range shows purpose for Bronx residents to become an all-electric bus depot. The 12-acre complex (550,000 square feet) has compounded and bemused Morris Park residents since its opera...