IRT (MTA) Electrical Substation No. 14 Demolished

IRT Substation 14, one of eight original substations constructed by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company has fallen. Founded by Andrew Onderdonk and August Belmont, Jr, in 1900, The Rapid Transit Subway Construction Co. was created. It eventually became Interborough Rapid Transit or the IRT, which constructed and created the stations, tunnels, laying tracks, manufacturing trains, and subterranean tracks. All of this would be needed to be provided with electricity to power the trains. Colossal generators had to be constructed and housed in powerhouses and substations. Substations were generally located near passenger stations which transformed the high-voltage AC electricity to low-voltage DC electricity from the main power plant. You can view a demonstration of this process here at MTA Substation #13 . Photo © NYC Municipal Archives, Local History, and Genealogy. "Manhattan: West End Avenue - 96th Street (West)" Substation No.14 conveyed electrical currents from the 59th ...