Abandoned Caribbean Island House

Outside view. It was a balmy morning on my two-week vacation on the Caribbean island. Just that morning, I took my early morning walk before the sun peeped its head over the clouds. During our circular route around the neighboring countryside village from where I was staying. We came upon a small narrow path delineated by the countless footsteps of many people who used this shortcut to get back over on the other side then going around the main road. Walking this well-beaten path we came upon a small gaping limestone cave. The small cave didn't go any deeper than maybe 10 feet. A pile of dead plant matter, household garbage, and abandoned bird nests were all that was on offer from this discovery. If I wanted deep cave exploration I would have headed to the tourist limestone cave tour the island is known for on the southwest of the island. A very small cave . We continued onward to our accommodation. After refueling myself with a hearty breakfast. I packed my c...