Meet The Human Behind 'Humans Of New York' (HONY)

The human collector of HONY pictures shares with us how goes about getting those memorable stories and pictures of fast moving New Yorkers. If you have not seen or heard about HONY then click below and find out what makes Brandon Stanton's website so popular around the world and photographers alike. An entire accumulation of 5,000 photos of New Yorkers is a pretty substantial figure for reluctant and snappy straphangers of the city trying to get home, trying not being late to work and shooing away  people looking to waste our time. Brandon Stanton captures just more than simple street portraits. He captures their lives and souls in portions of time in their lives readers and viewers get to share in. Every photo he posts touches something deep inside of us when people share there once memorable happy and sad events, advice and lessons of there lives. Thanks Brandon Stanton!

Do you know anyone captured on HONY?


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